Thursday, April 15, 2010


1. Stroke & Turn Judges - Many thanks to Barbara Jennings & Terrence Robinson for being quick on the draw to volunteer as Stroke and Turn Judges at our home meets. Michael Synk and Romy Morgan are alternates.

2. Kick off Banquet - Many thanks to Katy Leopard and company for masterminding the Saturday, May 8th Kick off Banquet. We'll post more details closer to time. Families usually bring a salad or side to share. Drinks are provided. Pizza is sold by the slice. Swim & Tri will come with suits, fins, and goggles. Team suits can be ordered.

3. Concessionaire Coordinator - We have 3 home meets with hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza, drinks, and candy available. The funds raised from concessions help keep the cost of the swim team at the low, low price of $120. Lorraine Lovell is more than willing to share her expertise, but has summer deadlines that conflict with this responsibility. So... we need someone else to pick up the baton.

4. Spring Training - Cost is prorated to $85 for the remaining 5 weeks. Show up Monday/Wednesday from 4 to 5 pm if you're ready to join the early birds and get a jumpstart on the season.

5. Membership and Team Sign up - Forms should be accessible through the links at the bottom of the right hand column of the blog and can be mailed to Jon Duncan's attention or dropped off at the athletic office.

Swim & Have Fun!

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