Thursday, August 4, 2011

Memphis Tigers Swim Team

Here is some information about tryouts for the Memphis Tigers Swim Team.
Go and check it out!!!
Coach Molly


Dear Parents,

The Rhodes Swim Team participates in the Memphis Summer Swim League. If your swimmer is ready to take their talent to the next level, Tigers is holding an open house next Monday & Tuesday at the U of M pool. Come check it out!

The website is

Monday, August 1, 2011

End of season awards

If you missed the party last weekend, you can pick up your awards from Tracy Word.
Her email address is:
fivewords at bellsouth dot net

Contact her and let her know when you want to stop by to pick them up! :-)

I hope you are enjoying the end of your summer!

Have a great school year and I'll see you all back at Rhodes next summer!!!!

Coach Molly