Friday, June 18, 2010

Guppy Meet Info needed ASAP!

You have probably noticed on the blogspot this event called “2010 Guppy Meet” and wondered what that was all about.

The Guppy Meet, unlike our Thursday night dual meets, is a meet where members of all the Memphis Summer Swim League teams compete against one another. The reason why this one is so special is that it is designed ONLY for 10 & under swimmers who do not swim faster than a specific time in the various events. It is a grand opportunity to let your swimmer shine. Ribbons will be given to the top 16 in each event, a special award will be given to the top 5 swimmers in each age group, everyone goes home with a goody bag and those who break the standard will receive a standard breaker ribbon.

Now that we have completed our first meet and have some times on everyone, we can provide a report that tells us who is eligible to swim in that meet. Last year, we sent 20 swimmers and they performed very well bringing home a 2nd place plaque for the team. It was quite an exciting day!

The meet will be held at the Ric Nuber YMCA on Quince on Sunday June 27 (next weekend). Warmups begin at 7:00am and the meet starts at 8:00am. We will be submitting entries on Sunday the 20th with additions and corrections being sent on Monday the 21st. The entry fee is $20. Checks will be made out to Rhodes Swim Team, so we can provide one check to the YMCA.

Attached you will find the invitation, standard breaker information and an eligibility report. We encourage everyone on the attached sheet to swim in this meet. The more people we have attend, the more fun it will be.
Please send us back an email tomorrow letting us know if you are interested or call with questions. Thanks so much!!

Guppy Meet Invitation
Guppy Meet Eligible Swimmers

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