Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This Sunday, May 15th from 5 to 7 pm

The kick-off party is this Sunday from 5 to 7 pm. Swim & Tri will bring suits for you to try on plus
we'll have the forms you need to sign up for membership and swim team. League rules and Rhodes
rules require that all swim team members have to belong to the club where they swim.
Many thanks to Ebet, Celia, Barbara, Tracy & Rachel for helping pull the kick - off party together.
These items are all reimbursable! I could still use help, if someone could bring:
  1. the drinks
  2. the lettuce, tomato, and onion fixings.
  3. the charcoal
  4. the condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayo, pickles, relish)
 Also, we're trying to transition out of maintaining the email. The emails will disappear in a couple of weeks.
Just type your email into the subscription box on the blog, hit enter, and le voila! That simple.
Ok... hope to see you all Sunday, if not sooner!
Sarah PH


  1. Sarah,
    I got these things last night: the drinks, the lettuce, tomato, and onion fixings, the charcoal, the condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayo, pickles, relish), so we're good!!--everyone can just bring a side to share. PS Is the Lynx Lair going to be open for everyone to go look at the Grizzlies game which also starts at 5pm tomorrow night? GO GRIZZ!!

  2. Oh! Looks like the game is earlier--2:30p? Hopefully we can celebrate their win by 5p :)
