Friday, June 28, 2013

Missing some shoes?

In all the craziness last night, two pairs of shoes were left under our tent. I will bring them to practice on Monday, and leave them in the back room of the guard shack if no one claims them.

If you weren't there, the meet against Racquet Club was cancelled due to storms.

Our next meet is July 11 at Rhodes against Germantown Country Club!

Next week we have normal practice on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday we'll have one practice from 9-10 for all ages. Come dressed in your best 4th of July outfit. Best dressed wins a prize! And no practice on the 4th of July (or meet).

See everyone next week!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Entries for Raquet Club Meet

Here is what everyone is swimming tonight.

Here is who is on which relay. (There is no 8&Under "C" relay)

We'll see everyone tonight!!!

Meet Tonight at Racquet Club

All - here is the link to the Heat Sheet.

Please bring copies of the heat sheet with you to the meet!  Below is the menu which will be available for purchase.  The racquet club accepts both cash and credit cards.
Buffet Menu
Burgers, Hot Dogs and Chicken Strips,
Corn on the Cob and Baked Beans
Caesar Salad
Anti-Pasto Salad
Fresh Watermelon
Adults: $14.00     Children: $9.00 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Volunteer Assignments for Tomorrow's Meet at Racquet Club

   Below are the volunteer assignments for tomorrow's meet at the Racquet Club of Memphis.  This will be our first "real" meet where we will be tracking each team's total points.  So, we need everyone to rest up after practice tomorrow morning and be at the Racquet Club right at 5pm for warm ups.  The address for the club is 5111 Sanderlin and I will post information about what food will be available along with the heat sheet tomorrow afternoon so check the blog.  Please email me at if you can help out at the meet as we have quite a few gaps and it will save me having to run around at the pool tomorrow trying to get folks to volunteer.  Thanks and GO RHODES!!


EVENTS 1 - 88
Jennifer Campbell



6 & unders

7 & 8s

9 & 10s



EVENTS 1 - 44
EVENTS 45-88

Timer – Lane 1

Timer – Lane 3

Timer – Lane 5

EVENTS 1 - 44
EVENTS 45-88
1st Place 

2nd Place 

3rd Place 


Monday, June 24, 2013

Practice Schedule for the week of July 4th

Hey everyone!

First, I want to say congratulations to our Guppy Meet swimmers. They helped Rhodes get 3rd overall and Sam Tremaine and Gray Nix tied for 2nd place High Point winner for the 9/10 Boys. Great job everyone!

Now, for practices next week:

Monday and Tuesday will be our normal practice times.

Wednesday July 3 there will only be ONE PRACTICE from 9 am - 10 am
This practice will be for everyone! We're going to have a major game day! We encourage you to come dressed up in your best 4th of July/Red, White, and Blue outfit. This winner will get a prize! In addition, we'll have other prizes for our relay winners. This is one of the most fun practices, so whether you have a 5 year old or a 15 year old, we hope to see your child there.

There will be NO practice on July 4th (and no meet either).

I'll remind everyone this week and next, and probably post a reminder next week.

Coach Kirsten

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Guppy Meet Heat Sheet!!!

Here is the heat sheet for Sunday's Guppy Meet. No heat sheets will be sold or available at the meet. So make sure you print it off before coming to the meet. 

Here is what those who are entered are swimming.

The Y closes the pool at 5:45 pm, so plan to arrive between then and 6 pm. We will start warm ups at 6:15 pm and begin the meet as close to 6:30 pm as possible. You may park in the Y lot. 

Bring folding chairs to sit in! 

Look for the coaches for where to sit. We really need to sit all together (there are 192 swimmers entered). Most of the deck should be in shade by 6 pm though, so that's good!

A concession stand will be available- cash only. 

Each swimmer will receive a t-shirt, although sizes cannot be guaranteed. There will be a table for distribution- swimmers may go and pick up a shirt any time during the meet.

Ribbons and trophies will be distributed after the meet, so if you get any, I will give them to you at practice on Monday. Ribbons will given for 1st-16th place and standard breaker ribbons will be given if you go faster than the time set.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to call or email me. 

Coach Kirsten

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Windyke Meet Results!

Great job tonight everyone!!!

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that the times on tonight's heat sheet were yards times, and the pool we swam in was a meter pool.

That means that most of you actually dropped a lot of time!!!!!

Many of our swimmers had best times tonight in at least one event, if not all the events they swam tonight! This includes the 11 and ups as well! All that hard work we do at practice is paying off!!! And we're only half way through the season!

That being said, no score was announced at tonight's meet, but triple winners were!

So without further ado, our triple winners for the evening were:
Meredith Brittain
Holden Smythe
Madeleine Hays
Seamus Fitzhenry

See everyone at practice next week!!!

Coach Kirsten
Here are the swimmers events for the swim meet tonight.
Go Rhodes!!!

Windyke Meet Tonight

Here is the Heat Sheet for tonight.  Please be sure to write your swimmer's last name and age on their back and their events on their arm with black sharpie. Windyke will have hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, chicken sticks, potato chips and coleslaw priced around $5 with tea or lemonade.  There is also a snack bar with drinks, slush puppies, and ice cream for the kids.  Coolers are not allowed at this club.  See you all at 5pm and GO RHODES!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Thursday June 20th Meet Volunteer Workcrew Assignments!

Below are the work crew assignments for this week's meet.  This is NOT a home meet so there are fewer jobs but we still have a few empty spots so PLEASE email me ( if you can help out.  The meet tomorrow is at Windyke Club.  The address is 8535 Winchester Road, 38125.  Check the blog tomorrow afternoon for information on what food will be available at the meet and to get the heat sheet etc. 

Warm Ups at 5pm
Meet Starts at 6pm


Admin Team:
Scoring - Cathy Harris

Age Group Coordinators:
6&Under Girls - Angie Britton       Boys - Heehs
7 & 8s     Girls - Jennifer Kellett             Boys - Misti Weaver
9 & 10s   Girls - Kristin Fox-Trautman   Boys - ____________

On Deck:
Clerk of Course - ____________ / _______________
Timer Lane 1 - Patterson / ___________
Timer Lane 3 - McGee / Randy Tremaine
Timer Lane 5 - Nicky Hitching / _________

Place Judges:
1 - Place - Megan Ford / Erickson-Savage
3 - Place - Anna Holtzclaw / Holly Renken
5 - Place - Shantih Smythe / Traci Ward
Sideline Judge - __________ / ______________

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Guppy Meet

Don't forget to sign up for the guppy meet!!!

If you have a 10 year old or younger, we encourage you to sign them up for the guppy meet! It is a ton of fun, and a chance for them to swim anything they want.

The guppy meet is Sunday, June 23 at 6:30pm at the Nuber YMCA. It is $25 to enter, that covers signing up for as many events as you would like (sign up for them all if you can) and a t-shirt. Ribbons are given out for 1st-16th place as well as standard breaker ribbons.

Email myself or Coach Molly or let us know on Monday if you are interested. You need to pay on Monday at practice that way we know you are committed.

See everyone Monday!

Coach Kirsten

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rhodes vs. TPC Meet Results

Great job tonight!

As always a great big thank you to our volunteers! We can't run the meet without you!

Tonight's triple winners are:
Seamus Fitzhenry
Jackson Hays
Louie Demetriades
Wallace Leopard
Grace Ciamitaro
Madeleine Hays

And the score was:
TPC - 124
Rhodes - 391

Don't forget to sign up for the guppy meet!!!! Money is due on Monday!!!!

See everyone then!

Coach Kirsten

June 13 Meet Information

Hey everyone! Here is the meet information for tonight at Rhodes. Warm ups are at 5pm.
See everyone tonight!

Here is the Heat Sheet.
Here is what everyone is swimming sorted by last name.
Here are the relays.

Work Crews:
Admin Team:
Starter - Anne Medved
Scoring - Bonnie Thomas / Cathy Harris
Awards - B. Scott Duke / Misti Weaver

Age Group Coordinators:
6&Under Girls - No girls   Boys - Erickson / Savage
7 & 8s     Girls - Nina Callan   Boys - Ellen Roberds
9 & 10s   Girls - Kristin Fox-Trautman   Boys - Randy Tremaine

On Deck:
Clerk of Course - Malcolm Burt
Head Timer - Demetriades / _________
Timer Lane 1 - Mary Hays / Jessica Scott
Timer Lane 3 - Courtney Brown / Marcus Scott
Timer Lane 5 - Nicky Hitching / Jeff Brittain
Water (10,30,50,70) - Heehs / Stiles

Place Judges:
2 - Place - Sheilia O’Bannon / Evelyn Moahey
4 - Place - Traci Ward / Tims
6 - Place - Megan Ford / Faulhaber
Judges Runner - Jennifer Kellett / Sara Burrett

Coordinator - Chris Hitching
Shop/Chop - Betsy Robinson
Set Up - Anna Holtzclaw / Shantih Smythe
Cook - Mark Brown / Drew Dawkins
Sales - Victor Coonin / Christina
Sales - Emily Duke / Ebet Peeples
Sales - Charlie Ciaramitavo / _________

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Guppy Meet Information!!!!

The Guppy Meet is almost upon us!

It will be held Sunday June 23, 6:30pm, at the Nuber YMCA, 5885 Quince Rd., Memphis, TN 38119
It is $25 for your child to enter, which includes get a t-shirt, and can swim as many events as they want (as long as they qualify).
This meet is only for swimmers 10 years old and younger, who are slower than the times listed below (in yards):

6 and Under Boys and Girls - They may swim any event, as long as they were not a high point trophy winner at City Meet last year.

7 & 8 Girls: 25 Free - 19.74; 25 Back - 25.22; 25 Breast - 28.43; 25 Fly - 25.47; 50 Free - 45.66

7 & 8 Boys: 25 Free - 19.93; 25 Back - 25.92; 25 Breast - 30.97; 25 Fly - 30.16; 50 Free - 44.54

9 & 10 Girls: 25 Free - 17.04; 25 Back - 21.59; 25 Breast - 23.35; 25 Fly - 19.98; 50 Free - 37.12

9 & 10 Boys: 25 Free -17.03 ; 25 Back - 23.59; 25 Breast - 26.65; 25 Fly - 22.98; 50 Free - 39.29

We need to know if your child will be swimming and what they will be swimming by this Monday's practice. We encourage your child to swim everything they can, even if they are not quite legal. This is a great opportunity for many of our swimmers to try something new, and it is always a lot of fun as well. 

Ribbons are given out for 1st-16th place. 

Please let one of the coaches, or Katy Leopard know if you are interested. You may either tell us in person at practice, or email us:
Kirsten -
Molly -
Katy -

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Thursday June 13th Meet Volunteer Workcrew Assignments!

Thursday June 13th Meet Volunteer Workcrew Assignments!

Both Camille and Katy will be out of town for the meet this week so we need everyone to step in and help.  A big thank you to Barbara Jennings for stepping in as League Rep for the meet!  We NEED a starter if you are interested email me and I will tell you what it entails.

Below are the work crew assignments for this week's meet.  This is a home meet so there are more jobs and we still have a few empty spots so PLEASE email me ( if you can help out.  It takes a village to pull off a home meet and seriously ANYONE can do these jobs - it is not rocket science.  Also, everyone is assigned to help with clean up so that we all get home at a decent hour. 


Admin Team:
Starter - ____________________
Scoring - Bonnie Thomas / Cathy Harris
Awards - B. Scott Duke / Misti Weaver

Age Group Coordinators:
6&Under Girls - _____________     Boys - Erickson / Savage
7 & 8s     Girls - Nina Callan              Boys - Ellen Roberds
9 & 10s   Girls - Kristin Fox-Trautman   Boys - ____________

On Deck:
Clerk of Course - Malcolm Burt
Head Timer - Demetriades / ____________________
Timer Lane 2 - Mary Hays / Jessica Scott
Timer Lane 4 - Courtney Brown / Marcus Scott
Timer Lane 6 - Nicky Hitching / ____________________
Water (10,30,50,70) - Heehs

Place Judges:
2 - Place - Sheilia O’Bannon / ___________________
4 - Place - Traci Ward / ___________________
6 - Place - Megan Ford / Faulhaber
Judges Runner - Jennifer Kellett / Sara Burrett

Coordinator - Chris Hitching
Shop/Chop - Betsy Robinson
Set Up - Anna Holtzclaw / Shantih Smythe
Cook - Mark Brown / Drew Dawkins
Sales - Misti Weaver / Christina
Sales - Emily Duke / Ebet Peeples
Sales - ________ / __________

Workers Needed for this Thursday

Hey everyone.

We still need lots of help with concessions for this week's meet at Rhodes. Please sign up when you bring your child to practice or email me ( if you can't get to practice but would like to sign up!


Coach Kirsten

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Red v. Black Results

Hey Everyone!

I just wanted to say that Thursday's Red v. Black meet was a ton of fun! I hope everyone had as much as myself and the other coaches!!! Thanks to all those who participated and the parents who helped us run the meet!

Now for the results:
The final score was Red Team (coached by Coach Molly and Coach Kris) 233 and Black Team (coached by Coach Kirsten and Coach Anne) 232.
It was a close meet the whole time. No more than 2 points separated the teams at any point throughout the meet. Great job everyone!!!

We had several triple winners (if I forgot someone, I apologize):

Lucy Patterson
Sarah Harris
Madeleine Hays
Hallie O'Bannon
Julia Mathews
Caroline Holtzclaw
Trent Heehs
Grady Leopard
Wallace Leopard
Jackson Hays
Seamus Fitzhenry
Ian Fitzhenry
Abrahm Bingham

Great job again! See you for practice on Monday!

Coach Kirsten

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Swim Meet June 6

Here is everything you need to know about the meet tonight

Here is the list of who is on the Red Team
Here is the list of who is on the Black Team

Here are the events for Red Team members
Here are the events for the Black Team members

Here are the relays for both teams

Here is the Heat Sheet - even though it says "Black Team", it's really for EVERYONE.

I know this is a lot of information, but hopefully it will help you out when you get to the meet. Just ask if you have questions!

Go Red!!! Go Black!!! Should be lots of fun tonight!!!!

Coach Molly

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thursday June 6th Meet Volunteer Workcrew Assignments!

Below are the work crew assignments for this week's meet.  This is a home meet so there are more jobs and we still have a few empty spots so PLEASE email me ( if you can help out.  It takes a village to pull off a home meet and seriously ANYONE can do these jobs - it is not rocket science.  Also, everyone is assigned to help with clean up so that we all get home at a decent hour. 


Admin Team:
Starter - Chris Manguso
Scoring - Bonnie Thomas / Cathy Harris
Awards - Clayton Peeples / Hastings

Age Group Coordinators:
6&Under Girls - Angie Brittain               Boys - Ellen Roberds
7 & 8s     Girls - Jennfer Kellett              Boys - __________________
9 & 10s   Girls - Kristin Fox-Trautman   Boys - Danny Broadway

On Deck:
Clark of Course - ______________________
Head Timer - Demetriades / Jennings
Timer Lane 2 - Monika Metzger / Monika Metzger
Timer Lane 4 - Hays / Randy Tremaine
Timer Lane 6 - Nicky Hitching / ____________________
Water (10,30,50,70) - Heebs

Place Judges:
2 - Place - Evelyn McGahey / Erickson - Savage
4 - Place - Tracy Rone / Tims
6 - Place - Courtney Brown / Faulhaber
Judges Runner - Sara Burnett

Coordinator - Camille Gamble
Shop/Chop - Betsy Robinson
Set Up - Anna Holtzclaw / Megan Ford
Cook - Jarad Bingham / Al Gamble
Sales - Misti Weaver / Christina
Sales - Chris Hitching / Traci Ward
Sales - Kelli Smith / Ebet Peeples

Monday, June 3, 2013

First meet!

Hey everyone!

Our first meet is this Thursday at Rhodes! Don't forget to sign you child up before end of practice on Tuesday! If you do not sign up, your child will not be entered!

If you can't make it to practice this week, but will be at the meet on Thursday, please email or text me! or 901-652-4540

Also, don't forget to sign up to work the meet!

Coach Kirsten