Thursday June 13th Meet Volunteer Workcrew Assignments!
Both Camille and Katy will be out of town for the meet this week so we need everyone to step in and help. A big thank you to Barbara Jennings for stepping in as League Rep for the meet! We NEED a starter if you are interested email me and I will tell you what it entails.
Below are the work crew assignments for this week's meet. This is a home meet so there are more jobs and we still have a few empty spots so PLEASE email me ( if you can help out. It takes a village to pull off a home meet and seriously ANYONE can do these jobs - it is not rocket science. Also, everyone is assigned to help with clean up so that we all get home at a decent hour.
Admin Team:
Starter - ____________________
Scoring - Bonnie Thomas / Cathy Harris
Awards - B. Scott Duke / Misti Weaver
Age Group Coordinators:
6&Under Girls - _____________ Boys - Erickson / Savage
7 & 8s Girls - Nina Callan Boys - Ellen Roberds
9 & 10s Girls - Kristin Fox-Trautman Boys - ____________
On Deck:
Clerk of Course - Malcolm Burt
Head Timer - Demetriades / ____________________
Timer Lane 2 - Mary Hays / Jessica Scott
Timer Lane 4 - Courtney Brown / Marcus Scott
Timer Lane 6 - Nicky Hitching / ____________________
Water (10,30,50,70) - Heehs
Place Judges:
2 - Place - Sheilia O’Bannon / ___________________
4 - Place - Traci Ward / ___________________
6 - Place - Megan Ford / Faulhaber
Judges Runner - Jennifer Kellett / Sara Burrett
Coordinator - Chris Hitching
Shop/Chop - Betsy Robinson
Set Up - Anna Holtzclaw / Shantih Smythe
Cook - Mark Brown / Drew Dawkins
Sales - Misti Weaver / Christina
Sales - Emily Duke / Ebet Peeples
Sales - ________ / __________